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DDC Certifications and Accreditations

ISO/IEC 17025 certification


ISO certification is the highest ranked accreditation body in the UK. According to ISO/IEC 17025 standards, organizations holding this certificate guarantee their customers quality service at the highest standards. DDC has obtained this certification through ACLASS Accreditation Services, which is a full member of ILAC.

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AABB is the accreditation with the widest accepted standards worldwide, especially for paternity testing. It is often requested in DNA tests involving immigration, child support and other legal issues. DDC has received AABB accreditations since 1996 and has managed to pass all 3 independent audits of the institution with a zero-defect rating.

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Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA)

CLIA is an accreditation issued by the US Department of Health and Human services, which checks that Laboratory results are timely, accurate, and reliable. DDC has been accredited by CLIA for over 8 years.




ASCLD/LAB (The American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board) has the strictest accreditation program for Forensic DNA Laboratories. It sets the standards of elite laboratories for international forensic DNA tests. DDC is the only private laboratory to ever receive this prestigious accreditation.


American College of Pathologists (CAP)

The general purpose of CAP is to increase the quality of service and ensure patient safety through education and standard setting. In this regard, too, DDC has achieved the best ratings in CAP's latest, general procedures and molecular diagnostics services delivery audit.

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New York Department of Health (NYSDOH)


It is an accreditation with high standards that must be obtained in order to provide services in DNA tests in the state of New York. DDC is one of the few labs that has achieved both AABB and NYSDOH accreditation and has come out with excellent grades in its last three audits.

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New York Department of Health (NYSDOH)


It is an accreditation with high standards that must be obtained in order to provide services in DNA tests in the state of New York. DDC is one of the few labs that has achieved both AABB and NYSDOH accreditation and has come out with excellent grades in its last three audits.

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New York Department of Health (NYSDOH)


It is an accreditation with high standards that must be obtained in order to provide services in DNA tests in the state of New York. DDC is one of the few labs that has achieved both AABB and NYSDOH accreditation and has come out with excellent grades in its last three audits.

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New York Department of Health (NYSDOH)


It is an accreditation with high standards that must be obtained in order to provide services in DNA tests in the state of New York. DDC is one of the few labs that has achieved both AABB and NYSDOH accreditation and has come out with excellent grades in its last three audits.

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New York Department of Health (NYSDOH)


It is an accreditation with high standards that must be obtained in order to provide services in DNA tests in the state of New York. DDC is one of the few labs that has achieved both AABB and NYSDOH accreditation and has come out with excellent grades in its last three audits.

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